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The Premier Sports Club in Sacramento, CA

Step inside Rio del Oro Sports Club and discover a world where you are welcomed and inspired. It’s the leader in sports and fitness programming, being the first to offer much of what is considered standard programming today. We strive to create an environment where the best part of your day is the time you spend with us. We do that by offering an impressive range of programs and activities. Our sports club gives Sacramento, CA residents the opportunity to better themselves and reach their lofty fitness goals. We offer personal trainers, small group training, group exercise classes, yoga, and a wide variety of sports programs, including tennis and pickleball. With such a large selection of programs, you can take your sports and fitness journey to the next level! Visit our club today to learn more about what we have to offer.


Become A Member

Rio Del Oro Sports Club

119 Scripps Drive
Sacramento, CA 95825


Hours of Operation
Mon – Fri: 5:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Sat & Sun: 7:00 AM – 9:00 PM

Play Center Hours
Mon – Fri: 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM & 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Sat & Sun: 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM

Kids Club Hours
Mon – Fri: 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Sat & Sun: 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM


*For Holiday hours, please contact the club directly*

119 Scripps Dr, Sacramento, CA 95825, USA

Our Family-Friendly Sports Club

We are a family-friendly sports club, and that separates us from most gyms. While you are working out, we take care of your children in our play center (6 weeks – 6 years of age) or kids’ club (7 years of age and older). But we take things a step further. We also offer programs for kids! With three swimming pools, we are more than equipped to provide swim lessons and our hugely popular swim team programs. Our 24 tennis courts provide plenty of space for our junior tennis program, and kids’ fitness programs are available too. We even host kids’ birthday parties. So if you are a parent looking for a sports club where you can exercise with peace of mind, consider the search over.

An Impressive Range Of Programs And Activities

No matter your fitness or skill level, you will find an amazing variety of things to do at Rio del Oro Sports Club. We strive to deliver an experience that is not only welcoming but inspiring as well; with opportunities that challenge you and variety that keeps you involved. We have the broadest range of activities and amenities found in Sacramento, including:

  • A fitness center with an impressive array of cardio and weight training equipment
  • Advanced functional fitness studio
  • Group Exercise and Group Cycling studios
  • 24 tennis courts and a practice wall
  • Adult locker rooms complete with daily towel service, personal care products, and steam rooms
  • Junior locker rooms
  • Three heated swimming pools, 2 therapeutic spas, and a children’s wading pool
  • Play Center for children ages six weeks to six years
  • Kids’ Club for children over the age of seven
  • A café featuring a wide variety of menu options, snacks, and drinks
  • Dedicated social area with BBQ’s, fire pit, ping pong tables, and Baggo play area
  • Two large outdoor social decks

Elevate Your Fitness Journey Today